It was originally located in the Municipal Industrial Estate of Tudela (Navarra), in April 2015 “Jamones Volatín” moved its activity to a new local of 5500 square meters which is located in the Agro-food City of Tudela(CAT), which involved an investment of more than 5 million euros.
Also, in early 2016, 1 million euros more was invested for the expansion of facilities and development of new product lines.
The expansion, of 1.000 square meters, is divided into 3 different rooms: post-salted chamber (with capacity for 6.000 pieces); parboiling room (for 2.000 pieces); and a warehouse with capacity for 15.000 pieces.
Furthermore, a second deboning line has been launched , which has allowed to move from a production of 1800 pieces to 3600 pieces a day.