
Jamones Volatín is a company   located on the riverside of Navarra, it is dedicated to the manufacture, marketing and distribution of cured hams and shoulders (ibérico and serrano), as well as other meat products.

The company emerged in 1998 and has since been experiencing average annual growth close to 15%, establishing itself as one of the most important Spanish companies in the sector, according to data published by the journal «Alimarket».

The philosophy of the company, from its inception until now, is to seek the full satisfaction of its customers, always offering quality products, adapted to their needs and constant innovation.

Nowadays, the company currently employs about 40 people, having created new jobs almost every year since its inception.

Seventh national manufacturer cured white ham*

*Data provided by the magazine Alimarket

Last News
09 Jun 16

New facilities in Agro-food City

Jamones Volatín expands its facilities and double its capacity of boning to 3.600 pieces a week. Jamones Volatínhas expanded its…